Capture Attention, Inspire Actions

Create beautiful Call to Actions that Inspire users to take actions

Teams featured image

Customizable Member Details

Personalize member names, designations, descriptions, and even social links. Tailor each profile to highlight the unique strength within your team.

Customizable member details
Image stying options

Image Styling Options

Add images to show your team’s personality. You can also alter the image position, shape, hover effects, etc. for each team member you display.

Social Links With Icons

Add social media icons to allow users to connect with your team members on their preferred platforms.

Social links with icons

With Spectra’s Team Block, you enjoy:

Precise Spacing Options

Fine-tune the spacing between all elements like image, name, designation, description.

Customizable Colors and Fonts

Personalize your team block with colors and fonts that match your website branding and design.

Mobile Responsiveness

Spectra team block is mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless experience on any device.

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Explore More Spectra Blocks

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Websites, Without Coding

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