The Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg is Now Spectra!

The past year has been very busy here at Brainstorm Force.

We have been working on a huge undertaking that we hope will completely transform everything we’ve done until now and take it to the next level!

So as part of that undertaking, today we are thrilled to announce that we are rebranding Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg. We’re going to call it Spectra from now on!

Our mission with Spectra is to help you build websites that are as fast as hand-coded ones and easy for users of any skill level!

Why Change the Name?

WordPress launched the Gutenberg block editor in November 2018. The aim was to make it easier for everyone to build websites without learning to code.

While it was a great improvement over the Classic editor, it lacked some necessary features to help design better pages.

So we quickly got working to enhance the Gutenberg Block Editor and launched UAG, Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg, back in January 2019.

We were one of the first companies to extend the capabilities of the block editor.

Now fast forward in 2022, Gutenberg is known as block editor and is part of WordPress core.

What remains of Gutenberg is an internal code name for the Block Editor. WordPress users don’t refer to it as Gutenberg and don’t know what Gutenberg is.

So the current name: Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg creates confusion among its 300,000 users.

We commonly get questions like:

  • Is the Gutenberg plugin needed for UAG to work? No.
  • Is UAG an add-on to any plugin? No.
  • Could UAG be used independently on WordPress? Absolutely!

So, Spectra was born.

Say Hello to Spectra!

The name Spectra originates from the word spectrum. As the wide spectrum of colors make rainbows awe-inspiring, Spectra’s wide collection of elements help you do the same with your website!

That’s our new identity – a “spectacular” page builder that delivers complete control and flexibility over your website’s design!

Sneak Peek at What’s Coming

We have been working on the 2.0 release for the past year which we will be releasing in just a few days…

Most WordPress page builders require you to trade off performance or usability.

You can either create a website with an easy page builder that makes the website slow or create a fast website with a complex page builder that has a steep learning curve.

Spectra 2.0 will offer the best of both worlds out of the box: It will enable you to build sites that are as fast as hand-coded ones, without the learning curve!

Each block is beautifully crafted, taking the time to perfect it so your websites are not only attractive but also blazing fast.

Spectra also saves hours of design time. With hundreds of pre-made website templates, you can get started instantly and have a website all ready to go  in less than an hour!

Spectra Templates

Here’s what’s coming in Spectra 2.0:

  • Awesome new blocks to help you build a spectacular website with ease.
  • A complete layout system powered by Flexbox CSS to create any layout you imagine
  • Powerful workflow features like copy-paste styles, presets to reduces the time and effort it takes to build a website.
  • Highly intuitive with our block options so you find settings you need to customize pixel you need.
  • Designer-made website templates, wireframes, and sections so your websites can go live faster.
  • And most importantly, performance-optimized code for blazing-fast websites!

And the best part? All this will be completely free!

But There’s One More Thing…

We also have a Pro version in the works, which will have features such as dynamic content, full theme builder, premium blocks & templates, and advanced workflow features.

The core version of Spectra will be powerful and free!

Excited? Get Early Access to Spectra 2.0 Today!

You can request early access to the beta version, try it out, share your feedback with us and be part of this huge release.

Click on the button below to visit the Spectra 2.0 Beta page. Fill out a simple form and we’ll be in touch.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to releasing Spectra 2.0 soon!

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16 thoughts on “The Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg is Now Spectra!”

  1. Sujay how will be Astra Pro users impacted? I am a lifetime subscriber, will I need a different subscription/license for the Spectra PRO?

    1. Hello Stefano!

      The Astra Pro users will not be impacted by any means. It would be available with the Business Toolkit.

        1. Sorry, we haven’t decided on that for now. If there are any changes in the future, we will keep you posted.

  2. This is just amazing news guys! Thank you for your great work. I am really excieted to check out all the new blocks.

    Keep up your awesome work.


  3. Will Spectra 2.0 expand the support of Toolset dynamic sources? Or will there be any loss of compatibility?

  4. Will the pro version be available under the Mini Agency Bundle for Elementor subscription, as this looks like a great asset in dropping Elementor and solely using WP Astra and Spectra?

  5. On the website you say that spectra 2.0 will be out in a few days but it’s still in beta. When will it be released for the public?

  6. Pierre Tilston


    In a month, I intend to start a website with Astra + Toolset.

    I see that Spectra Pro might have features for *dynamic content*.

    Might there be overlap with Toolset that means I could have to (or want to) redo work I’ve started in Toolset?


  7. I’m an Astra Pro Essential Toolkit User, how I am supposed to use Spectra? Or I have to stay on “The Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg” 1.* Version. Will 1.* recieve any Updates in the future?

    1. Hello Alfred, the UAG plugin simply updates to the Spectra 2.0 version. The Pro version once released, we will share the plan details accordingly.

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