/ Documentation /Blocks/Call To Action

Call To Action

Call-to-action (CTA) are recommended to use in your website as they lead users towards your aimed conversion. SpectraB allows a bunch of option to design beautiful CTA. Have a look at the demo here.

Key features –

  • Option to add heading and description along with CTA button
  • CTA Layout option – Normal/ Stack
  • Add a link with Text, Button or to Complete Box
  • Total Button customization along with icon option
  • Typography and Color options for content
  • Spacing Options
  • Responsive Design

CTA Layout option – Normal/ Stack

Under Button > Type if Text or Button is selected, Layout > Button Position can be managed. Normal layout will display content and button inline while Stack layout will display button below the content.


Add a link with Text, Button or to Complete Box

Under Button > Type select a way to add link for CTA. Link can be added with text, Button or to the complete CTA box.


Total Button customization along with icon option

Under Button tab following options are available for the CTA button customization –

  • Add text and link
  • Select Icon from the given library
  • Icon position and spacing
  • Button padding
  • Border style, width, color and radius

Typography and Color options for content

Typography can be set under Content tab. While color options are available under Color Settings tab.


Spacing Options

Space can be managed between content from Spacing tab.


Responsive Design

From Layout > Button Position, if the Normal layout is selected, content and button will display inline. On responsive devices inline layout might not look good. So you can choose to stack the content and button on responsive devices with Stack on option.

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