/ Documentation /Blocks/Gravity Form Styler

Gravity Form Styler

Forms created with Gravity Form plugin can be styled with this block. You can set the color, border, and typography for various fields of the form and make it attractive.

Note: To use this block, make sure you have the Gravity Form plugin installed and activated.

Key Features –

  • List all available Gravity Forms, so that you can choose the required one
  • AJAX Form Submission
  • Tab Index for multiple gravity forms
  • The predefined style for form input fields – Box and Underline
  • Border for each input field with style options like width, radius, color, etc.
  • Typography and Color options for Content (Label, Input text)
  • Separate customization options for Radio & Checkbox (Size, Typography, Color, Border)
  • Total customization for Submit Button
  • Styling for Field Validation (Success/ Error) messages
  • Spacing for all form elements


This tab allows choosing a specific Gravity Form from the list. Once you choose a form, you can –

  • Enable AJAX Form Submission: This feature allows submitting form data in the background without page reload.
  • Using Multiple Gravity Forms: If you have multiple Gravity Forms on the same page, you would need to set a Tab Index. Refer article to see how Tab Index works.
  • Title & Description: A form title and its description can be displayed.

Field Style and Border

This tab offers options to style input fields like name, email, subject, message, etc. You can choose a predefined Box or Underline style, apply a border and customize it.


The label of the form fields and its input text can be customized under the Content tab. You can choose different typography and colors.

Customization options for Radio & Checkbox

If your form contains Radio & Checkbox fields you can style them according to your color theme. Labels of these fields have typography and color settings.


Settings for Submit Button

The following settings are available for Submit Button –

  • Button Alignment
  • Button Font
  • Border Style
  • Border Width
  • Border Radius
  • Text Color – Normal, Hover
  • Background Color – Normal, Hover
  • Border Color – Normal, Hover
  • Button Padding (px)

Styling for Field Validation (Success/ Error) messages

Whenever a user enters input in the field, it gets validated. If it is invalid error message gets displayed else on successful form submission success message gets displayed. Various styling options are available under the Success/ Error Message tab.

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